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Using Localstorage In Html5

Solution 1:

It prints the value for team 1 a ton of times over and over. The 2nd click and on seem to be working

That's because the localStorage object is persistent. Even when the source code of your script changes, the localStorage values will still exist. You might be confusing localStorage with sessionStorage.

Fixing your code:

  • Fix the syntax error by placing a ); after the last }.
  • typeof is not a function, please do not make it look like one, by removing the parentheses.
  • The very first time, nothing will print, because you're adding a space instead of the value of Team1.
  • Instead of setting the property directly, it is recommended to use the .getItem and .setItem methods, to avoid mistakes as using conflicting key names.
  • Your current "list" is a set of a concatenated string. That's not easily maintainable. Either use an unique separator to separate your values, or use JSON.stringify and JSON.parse to store real arrays.


Code (using JSON):

$('#dostuff').click(function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the form from submittingvar team1 = $('input[name="Team1"]').val();
    if (typeofStorage !== "undefined") {
        // Will always show an array:var teamlist = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('teamlist') || '[]');
        localStorage.setItem('teamlist', JSON.stringify(teamlist));
        $('#nicteamcolumn').html("Team:<br>" + teamlist.join('<br>') + "<br>");

Using a separator (only showing different lines):

varSEP = '|'; // Separator examplevar teamlist = (localStorage.getItem('teamlist') || '').split(SEP);
        teamlist.push(team1);   // Still the samelocalStorage.setItem('teamlist', teamlist.join(SEP));

To remove the stored items, use the localStorage.removeItem method:


See also: Compability table for the Storage object.

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