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Ionic: How To Use Cssclass In $ionicpopup?

So I want to modify the default width in $ionicPopup and to do so I have to add 'cssClass' to my popup object just like the code below $scope.getScore = function(){ var popupSc

Solution 1:

Just define a mother class and override .popup default ionic class inside this way

        //styling for popup width, width: 300px;
        //styling for title

and pass my-custom-popup in cssClass

 var popupScore = $ionicPopup.alert({

  template: 'Total XP points: 50',
  cssClass: 'my-custom-popup',
  buttons: [{
    type: 'button-assertive'

Here is the list of classes which you can override or customize in your parent class

  • .popup

  • .popup-head

  • .popup-title

  • .popup-sub-title

  • .popup-body

  • .popup-buttons.row

  • .popup-buttons .button

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