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How To Set The Default Value For Html.dropdownlistfor In Mvc

i have following code : controller method: public ActionResult Register(int? registrationTypeId) { IEnumerable accountTypes = new List

Solution 1:

I would highly recommend that you don't pass your list through the view bag. have seen too many questions where that has caused major issues. add this to your model

publicList<SelectListItem> AccountTypes { get; set; }

in your controller in the get method set your default and set your list

Model.AccountType = 1;  // change the one to your default valueModel.AccountTypes = accountTypes;  //instead of ViewBag.AccountTypes = accountTypes;

then on your view

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.AccountType, Model.AccountTypes)

setting AccountType before passing the model to the view will set the default and the selected value on the view will be passed back in that same value.

Solution 2:

The Wrong Way To Do This

var accountTypes = new SelectList(accountTypes, "AccountTypeId", "AccountTypeName");

foreach(var item in accountList)
    if (item.AccountTypeId == registrationTypeId)
        item.Selected = true;

ViewBag.AccountTypes = accountTypes;

In view,

@Html.DropDownListFor(n => n.AccountType, (SelectList)ViewBag.AccountTypes)

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