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How To Convert An Html String To A Pdf Inputstream?

If we have string with a content of a html page, how can we convert it to a InputStream made after transform this string to a pdf document? I'm trying to use iText with XMLWorkerHe

Solution 1:

If you need an InputStream from which some other code can read the PDF your code produces, you can simply create the PDF using a byte array output stream and thereafter wrap the byte array from that stream in a byte array input stream:

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = newByteArrayOutputStream();

Documentdocument = newDocument();
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos);;
XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().parseXHtml(writer, document, newFileInputStream("/html/loremipsum.html"));

ByteArrayInputStream pdfInputStream = newByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());

You can optimize this a bit by creating and processing the PDF in different threads and using a PipedOutputStream and a PipedInputStream instead.

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