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Replace Submit Button Value With ASCII Character

I'm trying to replace the 'save' value of the submit button with an ASCII character code like — (—), except it's displaying the literal code instead of its translation. $

Solution 1:

Just use the character in the value, like this:

$("#myform").on("submit", function(){
    $("input#commit").attr('readonly', true).val("—");

or alternatively, use the unicode value like this:

$("#myform").on("submit", function(){
    $("input#commit").attr('readonly', true).val('\u2014');

Solution 2:

$("button[type='submit']").on("click", function(e){
    $("button[type='submit']").attr('readonly', true).html("—");
<script src=""></script>
<form id="#myform">
  <button type="submit">Save</button>

Solution 3:

Pretty much, what you need to do is create an element with the ASCII entity and read that element's innerText.

$("#myform").on("submit", function(){
  var d = document.createElement("div");
  d.innerHTML = "&#151;";
  var ascii = d.innerText;
  $("input#commit").attr('readonly', true).val(ascii);

For more information, see this answer: How do i unescape HTML Entities in JS? (change &lt; to <)

Solution 4:

Tried using String.fromCharCode and Even though this works...Doesn't when setting the value???


When i try to assign the value through jquery or just using plain javascript. The character doesn't appear using String.fromCharCode('151')

//doesnt work
//doesnt work
$("input#commit")[0].value = String.fromCharCode('151');
//doesnt work
document.getElementById('commit').value = String.fromCharCode('151');

Best way i found to work around is by creating a temporary div. Setting the html() and returning the text() using jQuery;

    $("input#commit").attr('readonly', true).val($('<div/>').html('&#151;').text());

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